Boys will be gormless pervs.

Nov 10, 2013 14:50

As maddeningly chaotic as it is whenever the brats all get together (or when the middle and youngest get together), sometimes unintentional hilarity ensues to leaven the free-floating rage that their shenanigans more typically arouse in me.

Case in point: yesterday, the middle child came over to trash the house and futz with the family room's telly play some NHL video game on the X-box 360 with the youngest child. I was in the kitchen/dining room, attempting to tune them out while I putzed around on my laptop.

At one point, the youngest yelled at the middle: "Stop playing with your dick when you're talking to me!" They were both lounging around in boxers that provided far too little coverage, especially when they would sit with their legs up.

The youngest is 19. The middle child is 27, married, and the only child no longer living at home.

So no, age and the marital state don't always -- or even necessarily -- bring wisdom, dignity, self-restraint.

The missus used to be an assistant swim coach for both a girls and a boys high school team, back when her health was better; she repeatedly remarked that, on the whole, she preferred coaching boys (far less drama, or DRAH-ma, than girls), aside from the alarming propensity of many of the boys to, uh, "adjust" themselves while talking to her and the senior coach (who was also a woman). Sometimes, a couple of the boys would even flip their Speedos down, wholly exposing themselves, and absently scratch and otherwise fondle themselves, while talking to them.

For the most part, the missus and her boss would strive for a low-key reaction to this, if they reacted at all. When forbidden flesh was exposed, they would advise the offender(s) to cover it up, and sometimes merely bark out their names; they never made a federal case of it, which would have been a lot of bother all the way around.

One wonders when -- or if -- these absent-minded self-manipulators will ever learn to steel themselves to not fondle themselves in public.

Kind of makes you wonder about some of the doofuses slapped with sexual harassment charges; one suspects that, in at least some of the cases, it was less about attempting ribaldry and/or seduction than it was about absentmindedly relieving an itch, rather in the manner of a dog licking itself.

One would hope that the greater cranial capacity of a Homo sapiens would be able to overcome, at least in public, such reflexive behavior; but such is sadly not the case, at least not as often as it should be.

Maybe the middle child's blushing bride will be able to break him of it; but I wouldn't bet heavily on it.

stoopid, domestic bliss

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