Wish I could convince my boss to arrange the department's seating chart according to verbal tics.
I'd love to have all the cretins who incessantly say "Know what I mean?" grouped together so that they could enjoy one another's company. Preferably in another building.
Problem with that arrangement is that there's a certain amount of overlap between the groups: at least one of the "Know what I mean?"-ers is also in the "Huh?" or "Say that again" group (otherwise known as the "can't hear / don't want to hear" group).
And the person who cackles loudly and inappropriately at every. single. thing. she says (EXAMPLE: "I'm going to Wendy's for lunch; HEH! HA! HA! HAAA!") would be in a group all her own, but I don't think anybody's heart would be broken over that. Well, maybe hers, but so what? (Or "SFW," as the young'uns say.)
"Hell is other people." Man,
Sartre didn't know the half of it.