Meet the new boss..?!

Apr 13, 2011 10:24

New York Magazine's "Daily Intel" blog linked yesterday to a just under eight-minute interview that the Wall Street Journal conducted with Donald Trump, whose latest bid for media attention has been to jump on board the so-called Birther bandwagon (i.e., those folks who loudly insist that President Barack Obama is not an American citizen by birth because he was born in Hawai'i in 1961 -- Hawai'i was admitted to the United States in 1959 -- and, okay, even if Hawai'i was technically a part of the U.S. when Obama was born, he wasn't really born in it because he was actually born in Kenya or Indonesia or some other un-American place, even if his actual birth certificate says otherwise; except he hasn't really produced his birth certificate, just one that he had faked up, no doubt paying for said forgery with the hard-earned cash of real American taxpayers....) and bandy about the idea that he just maybe-maybe-might run for prez in 2012.

The excerpts from the interview that Dan Amira posted are unbelievable. Wait, let me rephrase that: I don't want to believe them. Surely The Donald can't be that bull-headed, that aggressive, that grasping, that -- not to put too fine a point on it -- stupid?

Oh, wait: yes, he can.

See, not only does The Donald believe "that we should be in Libya only if we get to 'keep the oil,' and that we should stay in Iraq to 'take the oil,'" but he believes that the only reason that the U.S. invaded Iraq in the first place was because "'we went for the oil.'" Furthermore, The Donald approved of this supposed casus belli with the pithy statement, "'Eh, that sounds smart.'"

Amira cites this exchange:

WSJ: So you would keep troops in Iraq after this year?
Trump: I would take the oil.
WSJ: I don't understand how you would take the - does that mean keeping troops there, or staying involved in Iraq?
Trump: You heard me, I would take the oil.

Man. If Trump actually gets elected in 2012, I wanna resign -- from the human race.

greed, paranoia, iraq, politics, war, libya

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