Dec 19, 2010 21:47
Every December, some of my co-workers pass out Christmas cards; as I've never done this, the number of cards that I get has steadily fallen off, which is fine by me. By unspoken agreement, we're supposed to tack or tape these cards to a wall of our cubicles for all passerby (but primarily the people in our department) to stop and admire.
Usually the cards are pretty generic and secular, but certain co-workers insist on passing out religious, even aggressively religious, cards. (I've previously noted how one particularly clueless co-worker presented our department's sole Muslim with such a Christmas card one year.)
One card that I received last week reads, as follows, on the front of the card:
"The love of Christ can open your eyes and completely change your thinking about what really matters in life.
"The love of Christ can life you above what is ordinary and everyday and make you believe that forever is not nearly long enough.
"The love of Christ can open your heart and convince you once and for all that miracles really do happen."
After all that, I was almost afraid to open the damn thing.
POSTSCRIPT: I texted this "inspirational" message to the missus (who is a Christian, but not so, oh, IN YOUR FACE about it), and she replied: "It was really weird that my phone suddenly started to speak your text; I have no idea why or how if I pushed something? When your phone starts speaking about Christ it's kinda creepy."
Wonder how long before some bright boy comes up with an ap for the Google Android phones that replaces the annoying "DROID" robotic speech file with "CHRIST"?
All I can say is, if HAL 9000 tells you to come to Jesus, you'd better run.
workers' laments,