A while back I wrote how I broke my right pinky-toe (
on Election Day '08, no less...) by slamming it into the fridge after being tripped by my cat.
Yes, I did.
Well -- "Oops, baby, I did it again."
The left pinky toe this time: no cat, but the same fridge participated. Specifically, the refrigerator coils. This past Monday (16 February), I accidentally got my toe hooked on their outer edge without realizing it, kept walking, and -- SNAP.
The toe was at as close to a 45° angle as I ever want to see it; I had to snap it back into place. And yes, that's no urban legend: putting any dislocated part of your anatomy back into joint hurts worse than the actual dislocation.
As it happens, I had my six month appointment with my rheumatologist today, and she sent me for some x-rays, as she was concerned that I also fractured the long bone on the side of my foot. Looks like it was a clean break, so as long as I can keep from dinging it again (taking extra care to put a sock on my left foot will do wonders: I can't just yank the sock up when it gets bunched up on my toes, as is my wont...), I shouldn't need surgery.
Forgot to have her write me a note for my employer so I can wear soft-sided shoes, though. Framdammit.
In other news, our furnace went out today; we think it's the blower motor. Wind chills are supposed to be below freezing, so it's off to Walmart to buy a handful of space heaters in the hope that we can keep our water pipes from bursting. (That and keep our asses from freezing to the toilet seats, ha-ha.) Though an adult (i.e., me and my spouse) hung around the house all day until 7:00 p.m., as instructed, no repair dude showed up.
As neither one of us is able to take time off of work tomorrow, we'll have to prevail upon one of our technically adult/mentally about 15-years-old children to stay awake until my wife gets home around 2:00 in the afternoon in case the service guy actually puts in an appearance. If we can get one of them to climb into his sleeping bag and flop near the front door -- say, with his head actually touching the front door, so that it'll vibrate and possibly awaken him when/if the repairman pounds on it -- we'll be in good shape.
Suuuuuuuuure we will.