Critic’s Choice - Critic’s Choice - ‘Risky Business’ and ‘The Last Laugh’ - -- Published in today's (Tuesday, 7 October 2008) New York Times (David Kehr's "Critics Choice" DVD review column).
Huh: I'd rented The Last Laugh this past March and was suitably impressed with the camerawork, and nonplussed to find the "Hollywood-style" happy ending tagged onto it (although apparently it was slapped on at the request of the German studio that released it, UFA); but I'm not so sure that I want to rush out and rent the DVD of the restored version right away ("right away" here = "within the next 2 or 3 years") either, as interesting as it sounds.
The Last Laugh is definitely not a movie to watch during the work week if you're less than utterly fulfilled by your job: that was true when I saw it in March, and it's truer than ever these days, what with banks of any size looking about as stable as a giant soap bubble perched atop a twenty-story house of cards with gale-force winds in the general vicinity.
EDITED TO ADD: I was trying out ScribeFire for this post, and, based on this initial try-out, am not terribly impressed with how it interfaces with LiveJournal; although I do like how it enables you to post to multiple communities/blogs within LiveJournal: a useful feature, if I ever start posting to communal LJs again.