"Out on the road today, I saw a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac..."

Oct 18, 2007 09:01

...or I guess the mirror image of the incongruous sticker/vehicle match-up that Don Henley sang about some twenty-odd years ago (*shudder*).

Yesterday on my way in to work, I saw a grey Hyundai Accent with a Maine license plate with a "W" decal of the kind that's short-hand for our current president, after his differentiates-him-from-his-father nickname (or maybe folks started calling him that so he could spell his own name...) in the rear window. This "W" was cut out of the American flag.

The guy behind the wheel looked to be in his mid-twenties, at most.

So much for the notion that Maine was a liberals' refuge; yeah, yeah, the Bush family has a compound just outside Kennebunkport, but Stephen King has such a big bullhorn that I foolishly assumed that the tide of public opinion in Maine had started to swing against Bush. Au contraire, mon frere! John Nichols wrote in The Nation last month that Maine's Republican senator Susan Collins voted against the reestablishment of habeus corpus (done away with by the Military Commissions Act of 2006) on Wednesday, 19 September. But wait! There's more:

"Maine's Collins deserves special attention in this regard. While her fellow Republican senator, [Olympia] Snowe, broke ranks to cast a pro-Constitution vote Wednesday, Collins continued to cast her lot with the Bush administration. It is notable that Collins' Democratic challenger, Congressman Tom Allen, voted against the Military Commissions Act last fall.

"Allen's name now tops the list of House co-sponsors of the Habeas Corpus Restoration Act of 2007. The Democrat is, as well, a co-sponsor of a number of other measures designed to renew basic liberties and the rule of law, including the Torture Outsourcing Prevention Act, which would prohibit extraordinary rendition of suspects in U.S. custody, and the aptly named: Restoring the Constitution Act of 2007.

"The Collins-Allen race offers Maine voters a stark choice, as well as a rare opportunity to cast a vote for Constitutional renewal -- as Maine Republican Snowe did on Wednesday, while Maine Republican Collins did not."

So I guess it's safe to say that the residents of Maine are as politically polarized as everybody else in the country, and that the driver of the Accent is most likely a Collins supporter rather than a Snowe supporter.


At least he didn't have this sticker on his car...

politics, dubya, war on terror, culture clash

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