A man and his castle.

Oct 17, 2006 08:47

The New Yorker got a bit of serendipitous synchronicity of the type that editors can only fantasize about last week: hot on the heels of Ben McGrath's article about YouTube ("It Should Happen to You: The Anxieties of YouTube Fame;" issue of 16 October 2006, published on Monday, 9 October 2006), in which he looked at the fledgling (ten-months-old) Internet company that allows one and all to post nearly any kind of video clip, whether they hold the copyright for it or not, largely through the lens of a YouTuber named Stevie Ryan, better known as her chola character "Little Loca," came the announcement that Google was buying YouTube for a whopping U.S. $1.65 billion.

While the article was moderately interesting (especially the part about the British gent calling himself "geriatric1927" after the year of his birth, posting short segments of narratives from his life), what really made me sit up and take notice was an odd little factoid salted in amongst the chronicle of Stevie Ryan's dogged pursuit of an acting career:

Crispin Glover owns a castle in the Czech Republic.

Crispin. Frickin'. Glover. Owns. A castle. In the Czech Republic.

Crispin Glover: Back to the Future, The River's Edge, the remake of Willard; the guy who pissed off David Letterman enough to cause him to walk off the set of his own show? That Crispin Glover. He owns a castle.




Excuse me, did I just wake up on Earth-Bizarro or something? Since when did Crispin Glover become a big enough of a box office draw to be able to own a friggin' castle, even a smallish one? Jay-ZUS.

But own one he does. Don't believe me? Here; check it out. Everyone knows about The New Yorker's fact checkers; they wouldn't have printed it if it weren't true -- would they?

Hate to say this, but this is one time when I'm hoping that a journalist is proven to be hoaxer á la Jayson Blair....

internet annoyances, technology, current events, magazines, movies

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