Title: Recovery (part 8 final chapter!!)
Author: uuthrunthru
Summary: a multi-part piece that looks at how Michael and Ben deal with some of the events in S5.
Rating: NC-17
Warning: spoilers for season 5!
Disclaimer: I own nothing. CowLip, Russell Davies, Showtime own everyone. I’m not turning a profit...
It's been a long road for Michael and Ben.. and me, too! This is the last chapter in the Recovery story and I have to say it's been a wonderful experience. I've 'met' some great folks through this project. I'd especially like to thank Mikou, for superior beta reading/editing, above and beyond the call of volunteer duty. Also, for creating the beautiful Recovery Banner below.
I don't think this is my last story, but hopefully one of you will carry on anything here that I didn't finish enough. Thank you all for reading my debut effort and for your comments, over the life of this story.