Nov 16, 2008 09:17
Ironic. Now, at least I didn't title this that. I was going to, but I didn't.
Anyways, this morning I was looking around the internet at some people's personal websites. I like looking at the About Me sections for each. A thought popped into my head, "Why does everyone have to be so stereotypical?" which was instantly pushed out of my mind, as I thought of myself and how I could be classified that way as well.
I like lime green. If I had the choice, and I'm working towards it, I would dress with a punky rawk mix. I spell rawk wrong. I have my opinions on things. Why should that matter? Isn't that what makes people unique. Yes we all may act the same and like the same things and fit in better with certain people, but when we get to know each other, the experiences are always different and wonderful.
Now, I just thought of some people who greatly dissapointed me in life. Did some things that I would never have thought could happen outside of Court TV (cause that's all fake, right?). However, I will admit, that for the while that I knew them before they did such things, I enjoyed being around them. Maybe not 24/7, but it was fun.
writer's block,