two. ☆ ( video / action for violet city )

Mar 19, 2011 15:06

[ When the feed starts there's a Maria gleefully beaming smiles at the camera. She's holding her arms around an Eevee egg, which she is proudly presenting to the camera that she has set down in front of her. ]

Uu-! Look everyone, Maria got a present! This means Maria's number of friends will increase once again when it hatches, ri-ght? Will make sure to take very good care of it! Maria's sort of like its Mama, after all.

[ By the way she's swinging that egg around she isn't really following up on her words. But it will be fine eventually.. hopefully.. ]

Thank you, Asahina-san-! Uu-!

Tomoyo, you're going to be a big sister, uu! You have to make sure to be responsible and show your baby brother or sister the good example soon, okay?

... Uu, Tomoyo?

[ Maria looks around her, a slight confused expression on her face as she searches for her Pokémon. But then the Misdreavus suddenly appears behind her, letting out a quite creepy giggle.. but Maria doesn't seem fazed at all. In fact, she giggles along just as creepily. ]


[ Yes, the fairly creepy duo giggles go on for some time after that. Why are they laughing? Nobody knows. ]

not so imaginary friends, *video, misdreavus trouble, kihihihi, *entry, totally well adjusted, *ic, most responsible nine year old, what do you mean creepy

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