Aug 05, 2003 21:23
In creating a world for a story I am working on, I need to have a book that was left by someone when they knew that a nuclear war was coming.
This book was written by someone who was vehemently against war, so nothing like guns or gunpowder will be in it. It is also limited in size, but I want all the suggestions you can think of. The main problem is that the person who has written it realized that most of the information will have to be diagrams and drawings.
What I'm looking for is what YOU would include to try to help out anyone who might be alive to find this book. Assume that the people that find it will not be cavemen, but at a level where metal working is at least known.
Things that I myself would include:
Steam Engine
With some skill with metal working, you can make a big steam engine. It also seems like you could make a fairly accurate drawing of a steam engine without resorting to words. Along with this, the Internal Combustion Engine seems like one to include, though difficult to actually have working without some form of explosive liquid like gas.
Road Design
Sure, the Roman's understood it, but someone there figured it out. It allows for more trade and faster travel, so it seems useful to me.
This is one of the big ones, as it wasn't understood for a long time. Drawings of sewers and the reasons for sanitation wouldn't be too difficult. This alone would have greatly improved the way of life in the middle ages and before, so I see a big reason to include it.
My brain works in what I think is a very practical manner, which is different from how the person who wrote this book. Here's a few things that were suggested to me that I wouldn't have considered, but are really good, just due to the fact that I wouldn't have come up with them.
I don't know off hand when they came about, but processing grains seems fairly useful.
Stretching Exercises/Tai Chi
I cannot fathom why you'd want to show farmers how to be more flexible, or how it would improve their lives. That's partially why this is a great suggestion. The other is that it gives a great story device of people all getting up in the morning and doing strange exercises for no real reason.
So, what would you put in this book that you hope to be found by a struggling population?