I took time off in the fall and part of the winter for my TMJ which the doctors and I both thought was an ear infection, so I needed to catch up on web site and other volunteer work (haven't been subbing), but my son had the recorded series of Lost. We've now finished the first 3 seasons (in about 3 weeks) & caught up to the 5th show of the 4th season. Good show - I would have struggled getting through the first 3 seasons week-by-week, but I'm OK with it now.
I got my mouth piece 2 weeks ago for TMJ and feel a little bit better (maybe, sometimes) - pain is so subjective. I thought about measuring it somehow, but the doctor said it's too subjective. Race, who has tinnitus from noise as a teen and young adult (probably mostly music), tested his ear-ringing to the white noise of radio static and got -49 db, whereas from the same place just after him, I tested at -20 db (a heck of a lot louder). Still it's not considered subjective and it's best to try to ignore it. Since tinnitus is in the small nerves, I have to clear up the larger nerves first which, I guess will take a while. I'm not totally used to the mouthpiece even though I wear it during the day sometimes, too. My right shoulder is less tight and the pressure in my ear is less noticeable when I wear it. I got it adjusted today, so maybe it will be even better so it doesn't press against a molar or eye tooth. The dentist, who created the device because he has TMJ, says his neck still cracks and jaw pops sometimes when he doesn't wear it (he can't wear it while he works and probably only wears it at night).
This was supposed to be quick. I have a
meeting tonight - a lot going on in the county & state with new bills - I post about those here:
prince_georges and will post more when I have time. I've been watching the national politics, too, and wondering about the
Super Delegates, so I had a good read here, thanks to
I try to keep singing; keeps the stress down, though it also exercises the jaw, so I haven't been doing it quite as much as usual. I will be singing at the event post here:
pg_race_matters (
open mic coffee house)