The Washington Blade posted an article yesterday,
"Governor O’Malley remarks on introduction of marriage bill" saying in part, "All of us want the same thing for our children. Marylanders of different religious beliefs, Marylanders of all walks of life all want the same things for our children. We want our children to live in loving, stable committed households that are protected equally under the law."
The "broad coalition" of supporters includes
the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of Maryland. My church is participating in carpooling to Goodloe Congregation in Bowie to be trained by Marylanders for Marriage Equality staff, and go out in pairs to knock on doors for the purpose of identifying supporters of equal marriage. I'm afraid I can't attend. I hope many will, though.
I have participated in many such actions in the past and I am glad there are new people on board and people who are able to continue year after year to fight for this cause.