Ethical eating, Buy USA, other shopping dilemmas & Health #uu #health

Dec 14, 2011 15:56

I went through the trouble of finding local shops and farmer's markets so that I could support local growers and buy healthy foods. I was skeptical about "organic" in the first place, but now even more so. It doesn't seem like it's worth the effort.

It appeared that the Farmer's Market was run by Amish as the way they dressed, though they apparently didn't grow all they sold as they sold citrus fruits that don't grow in this area. I bought apples and since I was on the internet, I pulled off the tag and went to the web site for the brand. It wasn't organic. I guess it didn't say it was, but the Farmer's Market was on a list of organic shops, so I assumed it might be. I thought the chicken might be free range and the crafts might be made by the community that ran the shop, but I can't assume that any more.

It made me think of religions and our assumptions about them. The Amish live by the old ways, so we don't expect use of modern things from them. I was wondering about that as I unwrapped the chicken I bought there that was covered in cellophane. I guess all religions evolve to some extent no matter how hard they might try to resist.

On my way home from work, I stopped at two stores the other day - one a discount shop & one a brand department store. They both sold almost exclusively items made in China. The quality didn't seem much different either, though the prices were and the selection was greater in the department store, too. I have no idea about their hiring and employment practices are. I've got to finish my Christmas shopping and I guess I'll do more online than I had previously thought. The quality of my life & how I spend my time seems more important now than any ideal I might have about a better way to consume.

I do want to recommend some good free online information, though:

15 Crazy Things About Vaginas - it was banned by CBSNews, though their Sperm article was fine. And "coochie" was bleeped from a radio show. We have a messed up society.

Also this video by the same author: "The Shocking Truth About Your Health" (maybe not too shocking for some of my friends, though)

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society, united states, link, health, article, video, shopping

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