Great annual poetry service yesterday!

May 24, 2010 19:21

Do you like or write poetry? My church has an annual poetry service. It was great!

I'm not a fanatic about poetry really - I've written a poem or two, but I certainly wouldn't say I'm a poet. I also don't go out of my way to read it or go to readings, though people do read it in church and at our open mike coffee house. I do very much appreciate creativity, though, and individual expression. This service tried to encourage ours and highlighted poets in our midst.

I did sign an ee cummings poem (who was a Unitarian) which I'll try to video tape and post here sometime soon, I hope. We were given a ticket with a word on it and encouraged to write a poem. Many shared and the audio may be posted here soon.

I gave my ticket with the word "variety" to someone who didn't have one and here's what she wrote (with permission specifically to me to copy):

Long Live The Outcasts
by Lexi Melius Phelps

Here's to the outcasts!
Huzzah for being you!
Here's to the "weirdos"!
Huzzah for staying true!
Whether you're Christian, or athiest,
Or Hindu, or UU...
Long live the outcasts!
Thank you for being you!
If you're homo, bi, or trans
Or you don't know what to do....
Long live the outcasts!
Huzzah for being you!
If you live for variety,
Think the sky is green and the grass is blue,
Huzzah to the outcasts!
Yay for staying true!
For those who like to say "huzzah,"
"Woot" or "yay" or "bally hoo!"
Here's to you, my fellow outcasts!
Keep doing what you do!

If you live in the DC metro or Southern Maryland areas, check the church's site and come next time.

unitarian universalist, service, poetry, uu, poems

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