Some people have told me I'm anti-Christian, but I know and love many Christians and feel that I'm "christian" (
definition #3). I hate hate and am intolerant of intolerance. All people deserve love.
For The Bible Tells Me So - New Trailer
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The full version of this movie is on YouTube in 9 parts:
1) - introduces the problem
2) (I couldn't get this to work)
3) - this is the most informative - reading the parts of the Bible people use to justify hate
4) - more personal stories & "I have a soft spot in my heart for literalists, because I used to be one." & an African American lesbian who reads the Bible with history (Bible used against blacks & women) & her life experience in mind
5) - starts with the last part of the end of part 4 about studies and how genes play a role & ex-gay ministries & more personal stories; "I realized I was thinking about how she was having sex and not about her as a person.... There are everyday people who are gay." "We didn't know about gay people." (If you don't, you should watch this.)
6) - "If anyone would go to heaven, he would." History about the Biblical Sodom story & Romans & Paul & their different translations. More personal stories.
7) - starts with parenting & Focus on the Family (I don't have time to see it now; I'll have to watch it later)
8) - starts with hate attacks (I don't have time to see it now; I'll have to watch it later)
9) - starts with parents trying to accept their children's lifestyles & justice; "God's world is inclusive." (I don't have time to see it now; I'll have to watch it later)
Also, about racism (another form of hate), I came across this poem I wrote:
Racism catches us up in the social norms of class.
Our brain makes patterns and we assume and stereotype.
I don't want my children to learn this!
But the Kenneth Clark experiment shows they have.
White dolls for all children.
How do we stop it?
We can. We must. We will.
Constant vigilance.
Stand On The Side of Love