I was about to forget abt it since he just sprained his ankle earlier today. :/ and decided I shant ask about it.
but turns out he was sharing with us pics and etc.
so yes.. yay. Dad have extra passes. X)
now waiting for su ann's reply whether she mind changing plans tmr to head there.
else i'll go on sat. Yipee ness! i so need a time out.
using photobooth. lol. too excited.
the AFF passes plus was busy transferring photos for my dad. and tweaking his iphone.
side note: I am all tired from babysitting, driving, maths revision, whipping up dinner with my sis and clearing up after.
duper glad the new maid is arriving tmr. cos laundry, ironing, keeping toilet and room neat, dishes and cooking takes up quite a lot energy.
Kudos to those who find it a breeze.
We are at the end of April. so one third of the year is coming to a past. i think it has been reasonably fruitful.
pat on my bac for been not stuck in the past and moving for the greater things ahead.
spirits are lighter and life seems more manageable. :)
ps: bought takeaway breakfast for myself and sis from paris ris mrt station today. The ananas?, the malay store... their mee rubus (my third time having it) ... is duper good. and quite a big portion for $2.50. my sis's mee siam was not too bad as well. and my dad loves their lotong. as for mee soto.. my mum tried bee hoon soto awhile back. i believe it was decent too. found a good breakfast place. :) but as usual... for a good diet. everything moderation.