white shirts, blue cloth tag pinned, folding of silver, golden paper to make $1, $5, $10. need50bags

Mar 05, 2010 22:41

The week been rather hectic. My 4th aunt passed away on tuesday evening, had my prelim paper in the morning then went to babysit my nephew and then my siblings and I helped stayed over night at the funeral and therefore result in me staying up for whole 24 hours. I was drained at 7am. Slept till 1pm and headed to the funeral and stay to 11pm. Woke up today at 5.15am to send my 2nd sis to the airport and then came back to send my bro to sch at 6.50am. Then I finally felt i could sleep at ease. today is friday and i have another paper on monday and needed to stay home today to get back my concentration on my revision, its really hard really. I have only sunday now to make sure Im prepared for my banking and finance killer paper.

Tomorrow will be the last day of the funeral. Will be there from morning till the end. and evening i have my sis's baby one month party and church service. I dont know how im gonna make it for both but i will see what i can do. cos i really want to attend the party and hear the church building news first hand with the rest. oh well..

well overall, i felt i was almost in another world while frequenting my stay at the funeral for 3 days. Not really becos its a Buddhism thing, I am ok with respecting other's belief and doing what is necessary for them to be at peace. I felt exam and future stress was nothing compared to someone's lost. Those stress was gone. I felt life's vulnerability and was rethinking of the things Im planning and all. But more or less there are not much changes. Im staying grounded in doing things that im fully happy for in the long run. Then also.. I thought about the future lost that I have to deal with. :'( the fact is that all beings have to die. and im not afraid of my own death but im very afraid of other's and the pain of not seeing and hearing them.

im gonna remember to live life happily and lovingly. there are no problems too big that we have to make other life's painful and hurtful.
its my bit of helping make the world better for others.i will make sure i dont bring as such.


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