one ☹ video (action for new bark town)

Jun 26, 2011 20:54

[the feed flickers on to show a very... unhappy-looking child gazing down at the gear. by contrast, his rather excited!! looking poochyena seems to be watching the screen with great interest.]

Uhm. Okay. I have a lot of questions. And I think I've been kidnapped, but I can't find the number for 911 on this.


But first, isn't this kind of illegal? ... On top of everything else, I mean. [reddening obviously, he holds up the handy-dandy breeder's handbook so that it's within view.]

I'm twelve.

I think there are laws against me reading things like this.

... I'm not sure I should even be touching it.

[an awkward pause.]

... The number for 911 would be fine, too. Or an adult.

[and. uh. yeah okay turning off the feed oh god what if the transmission didn't even go through and he was just talking to himself oh god what if it actually did go through and he'll have to talk to people what will he do??]


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