May 24, 2004 16:07
So, for any & all of y'all who want to hear me spin, you'll get your chance this wednesday at the Aggression. I just finished putting together the skeleton of my set - feel free to comment:
1. Jedi Mind Tricks - Intro - from Violent by Design
2. FFF - Murder - from Murder/Junglist
3. Doormouse - Skelechairs (Venetian Snairs Remix) - from Skelechairs 12"
4. DJ Skinhead - Extreme Terror (Terror Mix) - from Extreme Terror
5. Kid606 - Kidrush - from Down With the Scene
6. Nasenbluten - Punks Jump Up to Get Beat Down - from Not As Good As 100% No Soul Guaranteed
7. Catscan - Demonic Speed - from The World is Mine
8. 5f_55 - 496E 2074 6865 2061 726D 7920 6E6F 77 - from I
9. HIV+ - Havoc 2027 (revisited) - from Censored Frequencies
10. Asche - Mindbomb (collapse rmx) - from Distorted DJ
11. Combichrist - Intruder Alert - from Joy of Gunz
12. Agonoize - Paranoid Destruction - from Paranoid Destruction
13. Config.Sys - Transmission 1938 - from Ulysses
14. Noisex - Jagerdance - from Magnetom Vision
15. Jedi Mind Tricks - Intro - from Visions of Gandhi