Aug 18, 2004 00:56
I hate it when I find out someting about someone that I've known for years that really scares me and makes me look at them completely different. For instance, this friend of my mother's who I've known my whole life and who I thought was the nicest, sweetest lady... until one day I overhear her talking to my mom about how she doesn't like her neighbors that are Hmong, or black. I can't remember what it was she said specifically but it scared the shit out of me. And what scared me most was that my mom didn't seem disturbed by this. I talked to her about it and she didn't defend her friend but she didn't seem upset by it either. I know my mom is a nice person, but sometimes I catch her agreeing with her friends who are dissing those that are different. I confront her about it too. She always says that it was the time she was raised. She was taught to hate asians because of the war. She says she doesn't hate them, and it's something she is trying to change, and I do give her credit for that, but then I'll catch her again. And around we go. I know she's not racist, and I do think it's a generational thing, but it still scares me. I also found out that my grandmother didn't like black people either and used derogatory names for them on occasion, and it surprised and frightened me... and I never looked at her the same after that.
Another time, a friend of mine that is in a card group with me and a few others, got married to this really nice guy. He's devoted to her and I thought he was just great. They have two boys now. A few years ago though, she told us about how he doesn't like black people and is prejudiced. How he was raised in Chicago and blah blah blah. I no longer can look at this guy without feeling he's a total ass. What really shocks me is that she seemed just fine with this, even though one of her nieces is married to a black guy and they have a child together, and I assume they accept them both.
Anyway, that kind of shit scares me.