Being a young adult

Sep 13, 2010 21:06

I have exactly 10 minutes free before starting another marathon session of work, and I don't often say this, but I'm rather chuffed. I don't claim to work very hard on a daily basis, but the last 2 weeks have been a lot of work in the face of a lot of personal shit that was thrown my way. So yes, I am chuffed


The increasing confusion about the direction my life should take is frustrating. So much so that I am tempted to visit a palmist or a tarot card reader who will tell me that this confusion will be resolved at some point. It's exhausting to live my life right now, and maybe this knowledge might make it less tiring. At the same time I feel like a hypocrite running to a futurist the first time I'm faced with true uncertainty. (I mean, let's face it, my life hasn't been riddled with uncertainty as yet).


A lot has happened recently, and I haven't cried. For the uninitiated, I'm a full-fledged tear jerker (and yes, I know that's incorrect usage). I cry very easy and often use tears as a way to deal with stress. Given this background, the magnitude of this change is worrying me. Am I changing into this cynical person for whom nothing is really big enough to cry for? Or am I just going into some sort of sick build up phase which will end with a blow-up and more tears than I (or anyone else) can handle at one time?


Ok. Enough angst. Back to work :-) 

work, 'emo shit'

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