so priss raced in last night following a small brown blur. omigod, i thought- that's a large mouse. i was dreading the thought of dealing with a large quick rodent, when it flew into the air. a bird! the dread changed to despair. those are equally hard to catch. it could also get seriously injured inside. especially with three cats. barely
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who would have thunk it? the dumb blonde was the mighty hunter. i suspect the bird was a dumber blonde and young to boot. only thing i can figure is that it was sleeping on the edge of teh balcony in amongst the plants. bet it won;t be doing that again soon.
it was good for an adrenaline surge though. i now know my heart works okay *rolls eyes* tag- your turn for excitment next ;) just not near the shower though? i don't want any broken bones to read about, okay?
Hey, I guess darting birds are way better then dead rodents left as presents. ;)
GAH!! AUNTY! my what strange optimism you have.
*shakes head* you have a point though, i would hate to have to explain clogging the new 'low flow' toilets to the super because the rodent got stck and a visit from the plumber became necessary.
when the infestation happened, i did live trap and release. the only body was an infant that treacle caught. i traumatized over dealing with the tiny wee thing. but it wouldn;t have lived anyway :( (i admit to being a big softie- shh)
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