
Jun 07, 2007 22:18

Well, I had high hopes... sadly not quite met...

but 3 hours! Thank goodness are reclining chairs and an intermission at our excellent 1930's local family cinema...

plot wise, there was just too much... and I can't help thinking that loosing a set piece or 3 wouldn't have done any harm (Pirates Gathering, Davy Jones Locker "insane" sequence or even Singapore).. In fact, there was so much odd exposition that i was baffled in the middle with the deals and counter deals - some of which just felt like the writers going "Oh God, shouldn't this character be here now?"

The sound mix was poor in places (What did Calypso say when she was a Giant?)

There was very dodgy plotting and themnes in places (Why did CYF go for KN on his boat? then ask forgiveness??? eh?????)

There was some good moments of humour, but that was it - just moments... mostly provided by excellent Brit actors, largely underused. Poor Geoffry Rush - he got to stand around a lot, but didn't get much worthy writing.

I was sorry about Jack Davenports role in this movie - in fact, he was the character I most felt for, which I found slightly unexpected.

I feel a bit ... sad, really, at an opportunity lost.

Two and one half out of Five.
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