30stm_lims (R04C01)
[-3/+0] = -3 ELIMINATED
"The coloring seems a bit washed out. The texture takes away the attention from the actual image used in the icon."
"the icon looks washed out."
"The image seems too washed out."
Okay. First off, those images were pretty SHIT to work with. I'm a stickler for having a good crop and not having it be too sharp or blurry. It took me forever to get that fucking crop. Second, I LIKE TO USE THAT FORM OF COLOURING. People have liked that colouring in the past, until it gets to fucking LIMS. And then everything has to be bright and shiny and textured (OH, but not TOO textured, or then it looks cluttered) and radioactive fucking colouring, like at a certain community I won't name. Seriously, I can't do anything right with the 30 Seconds to Mars fandom. FUCK YOU GUYS. Elitist pricks.
I'm ready to give up icon making. Wouldn't be a big deal anyway, right? No-one would miss me, because I know I'm not THAT great at icon-making, anyway (please do not feel obligated to tell me things like, "Oh, but you're a great icon-maker!", because I'm not fishing for compliments, I know I'm nowhere near as good as many iconists out there), and besides, I've got my band to try and get going, really. If I DO happen to make it big, I won't have time for graphics, anyway. But fuck, it SUCKS. I think after I make my icon for the
rockmusiclims comeback challenge, if I get in, that and the
jared_challenge LIMS will be the last LIMS competitions I bother with.
Fine, I get it. I can't handle the negative comments right now. LIMS is not for me. Whatever. I'll stick to doing what I do best.
OH YEAH, I would like to give a big FUCK YOU to a certain MCR icon challenge community. Stupid bitch mod. I entered my icon at about 8:40 pm, before I had to leave for work. And when I tell you that my icon isn't in the voting, don't you DARE tell me 'I'm sorry honey, you entered it too late', you condescending prick. I know it wasn't late. I can't help that my comments show up as four hours ahead of where they are supposed to be. If I could figure out how to change that, I would, because it pisses me off to get snubbed from a challenge over something I honestly can't control.
ETA! Haha, I posted
this comment, and you can't see it because it's still screened, but I got a comment that consisted of simply, "Wow. O.o" Yeah. I realize it looks like I'm a sore loser. But that was sort of a general statement about LIMS in general, and it doesn't just have to do with MY icons being voted out. I get annoyed at anyone who gets voted out simply on that. *shrugs* Generally, if there's something else undesirable going on with the icon, then it makes sense.
But I guess I'm a sore loser, guys!