You know what's funny? When someone who calls themselves your best friend and who is supposed to be your maid of honor in your wedding in a month starts randomly hanging out with your ex-boyfriend. Tells you that they're only going to hang out once and then calls you a few weeks later to let you know that she fucked him and they're dating. Tells
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Ok, so i wanted to add something, i just don't want you to be defensive about it. It's not that I am trying to out-right defend Tiff, everyone has faults and you two have been friends for so long that unfortunately you know most of them but that doesn't mean you know everything about the other person.
When she told me that she was going to hang out with kevin, i asked her how you would feel and she said she thought you would be uncomfortable with it but that she figured you were getting married and jeremy is such a great guy that eventually you would be ok with it.
Honestly, (and i can understand if you call my opinion biased) I don't think she ever intended to hurt you in any way. If she had she would have just said what she thought and said that you would be pissed and never want to be her friend again. I don't think that even crossed her mind, only that you would be uncomfortable hanging out with the two of them. So really I think she didn't realize how hurt or betrayed you would feel by their relationship.
I don't know if it matters or not, i just wanted you to know from this side that i really don't think tiff hurting you was intentional.
So on a whole different topic: Congratulations on your wedding and marriage, from what I heard the day was perfect for you and jeremy. Best of wishes.
I know darn well if I had told her I didn't want her to hang out with Kevin she would have done it anyway. Knowing full well it was going to piss me off. In fact, she actually did. The first time she called me and asked me about it I blew it off and then she called back a few hours later saying that she wanted to make sure. I told her that it was really weird and uncomfortable, but whatever. She told me that they were going to hang out just that one time and that they weren't going to hang out again after that. And that if she was thinking about hanging out with him again she would call me and make sure I was okay with it. So, I said okay fine. The next time I talked to her she was telling me about the 'few' times that they had hung out. Then she called me a couple of weeks later to tell me that she fucked him and they were now dating.
She didn't really 'hurt' me. She just pissed me off. I think she crossed a line that friends shouldn't cross. I don't care who you are I don't think it's right to fuck and/or date your friends ex boyfriend.
And whether she intended to upset me or not...I honestly don't think she really cared that much because a boy was making her feel beautiful.
Side note: Congratulations on your wedding also.
this is extreme selfishness that i don't understand. everyone is a little bit selfish. i can be more than a little sometimes. but you're happily married and you won't let two other people be happy in each other's company? it just seems to infantile.
anna has one ex-boyfriend. in the past, we've talked about if we both met ex's we wouldn't flirt and definitely not date them. but i actually think that if i met her ex and we fell for each other and made each other happy and she saw this, she'd let it happen cause she loves me. but then i thought, if i saw the hurt in her eyes and knew she was upset, i'd give it up 'cause she means more to me than any guy who comes along. she's always been there for me, she knows me better than i know myself.
we don't have that. at least i haven't with you since high school. you were never the friend to me that anna is and i was never the friend to you that i am to her. maybe it's because i know she'd sacrifice a tiny peace of her comfort and happiness inorder for me to be happy and i'd do the same for her.
good luck with everything.
but ok. i'm done now. :)
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