we're captive on the carousel of time

Nov 11, 2004 21:23

Super6Kistler: after 2 years, the dramatic return of birthdays!

Birthday season 2004 has officially begun, i'm sixteen, and people love me. i thought that was enough to merit an update.

Tuesday morning: my straightener did not work, my skirt looked gross, and i did not want to grow up. Got into school, ready for a day i knew i wasn't ready for, to find a rose and note in my locker. Deep breath, big grin, first step to being ready. Second step, Nic's amazing brownies. Good day, bad jazz rehearsal, ended early, stole something that i'll give back... you know you love it babe, dinner with mom and dad. Amazing gifts. Amazingly emotional gifts. good food. good times. then home for the next highlight of the day.

Trivia night was fun, informative (lmao), amazing. My best friends are the coolest, even when they are scared of fish or need to lace their sneakers up a certain way. Btw, i won. ::gloats to erica:: CJ and Mas went to Adam's, and the three of them walked over to crash the party and make fun of us even though they loved trivia night as much as we did. and i love them all.

Wednesday: 12 am, Kate called to be the very first to wish me a happy birthday. Got cards for someone important, someone unexpected, someone i miss, and my sister who is all of the above. At a more decent hour of the morning, Ed stopped by ("stopped" lol) to wish me a happy birthday/tell me that he loves me, tangibly this time. It's beautiful, more than beautiful, and the inside is even better. No, what's even better is the look in his eyes when i put it on.

Then traditional dinner at noon b/c of the schedule. parent teacher conferences-apparently i should be a music major but scott should feel free to steal my solos?, collected dues, caught up with Jen, had some fun, saw Mess in an adorable suit. Home, half a salad/chicken roll later i went to dance. Good class, he was easy on us but it felt good to dance. Not surprisingly. Home, Ed Er Nic Mom and cake. What a combination. Fell asleep in somebody's arms, the perfect end to an amazing birthday.

Woke up the same way i fell asleep weirdly enough, wanted cake for breakfast but did hw instead. Physics (or not) at Nicoles, dinner with mom and Er which was fun, home to not do the ap dbq.

if anyone is interested, we are going to see how many days we can celebrate my bday till the party. time for some homework, if you called-left messages- whatever, yesterday. it meant a lot. every one of them.

i am loved.
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