Mary Jane's meet Modern Art

Mar 31, 2008 22:04

    So I've been in this funk lately, which I know I've mentioned before.  I hate seeming like such a downer, but it just goes on.  I think it didn't help that the weather has been awful - it's finally getting warmer, but it's been grey and drizzly all day.  I don't really mind rain, but I like it when it's like torrential downpour - so rainy that you can jump in puddles, and dance in the rain.  So rainy that you step outside and in two seconds flat you have no more makeup on, and your clothes and hair are plastered to you.  It has not been like that.  It's just been drizzly - so that you look kind of silly with an umbrella, because it's not quite raining, but so that you end up with frizzy hair and runny mascera anyways.  Needless to say, my current mood plus bad weather ends up with a pretty grouchy girl.
    I have these shoes.  They are flats, with a completely open top, and a little strap across the top.  Sort of like mary jane's meet modern art.  Yes, in my book, shoes are an art.  To make them even better, they are a deep scarlet red; they remind me of the Wizard of Oz.  They weren't even expensive or designer or anything - they were like 24.99$ at Payless - but I love them.
    Today, despite the fact that the roads and sidewalks are like lakes, and there are still snow piles higher than me on the grass, I wore my Dorothy shoes.  They make me so happy.  Call me simple, call me vain, but wearing my favourite shoes always picks me up and, dare I say, puts a bounce into my step.
    So many people gave me looks, and commented on my non-weather appropriate shoes, but I don't care.  They make me happy.
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