Oct 10, 2005 12:32
Okay so .. I just took some pain killrs and antibiotics .. and I don't know if those two mixed heck of mess me up or what. But wow I feel druggged hahahaha .. omg wow. I can't stop cleaning, last night I rearragned my room .. I felt SO tired .. but I felt like I just could keep going and going and going .. and then today .. wow .. I got this orange smelling wood cleaner and I have been polishing everything wood in my room, it smells soooooo mmmm goood!!!!
Colby is an awesome boyfriend :) I know I said this before, but he heck of took care of me this weekend. I really wanted to see him tonight but I am stuck in my house until I get better :(.
I louuuuvveee maggie toooo! She came over and talked with me while I cleaned my room out, and I gave her some of my jewlry so she could use it for her business n stuff. Awwww but really, it must be the drugs, but I really feel close to her. Aww she IS like my sister. Goiod times .. good times.
i've got a headahce now. byeeee