Dec 11, 2006 00:36
Woooooh I should have un express more often, or perhaps not, as then it wouldn't have this kind of hyperactive effect on my. Seriously, I had it two and a half hours ago and my typing's still faster than usual, my heart kerthunking - me thinks that it would have been a better idea at the start of the day instead of at the end.
But hey, should give me the energy to finish up my french homework so that can only be a good thing. I'll be going to the late class with Kat and the others tommorrow anyway, Kat still has half my books from when I left them at her place Saturday (Mexican food and Sex and the City dvds, good day) and I'd rather get in trouble for being at the later class (if I even will, I honestly doubt Severine minds) than not have all my books there for the first one. Lets hope I don't oversleep again like last Monday and just not end up going to any class at all....
Mariage Frere's was where I went with Liene (one of my two american girls) today, at least after the Musee Carnevalet which was a) pretty cool and b) gratuit (free). Mariage Frere's is the oldest tea salon in Paris and while the prices do reflect it (7 euro for a pot of tea my god) the environment's pretty cool, all the waiter's wear linen suits (mmmmm, french boys in suits) and there are literally hundreds of different teas. Liene'd been searching for Lotus Tea at every tea house she's been to in Europe, and Mariage Frere's was the first place to have it. In fact, to have it in two green and one black form. So she was a happy little tea obsessee. I just had the Lychee/lichie je pense), which hardly smelled but tasted pretty excellent. We stole the tea pot next to us when the girl left without finishing, so we tried some light fruity one as well but of course we now have no idea which one it was....
Well I'd better stop procrastinating and finish my homework before my caffeine buzz wears off