Weather Advisory

Feb 27, 2009 11:17

Be Aware:
The Weather Service for this island has issued a severe weather advisory for tonight, February 27th, and tomorrow. Expect heavy thunderstorms, wind gusts, rain downpour, and lightning strikes. If you can, keep yourself indoors tonight. If, for any reason, you feel that your homes are not safe, there are two places set up as shelters in the area. For patients, the hospital is offering shelter. For the town, there is the community activity center. You should know, however, that all buildings were built with tropical storms in mind and should withstand the storm.

If the power goes out in your area, we will know about it and we will try to get it restored as soon as possible. If anyone gets injured, call the hospital immediately (#0000) and someone will be sent to help. The best advice, however, is to stay out of the weather and in your homes.

Thank you, and Stay Safe.

announcement, reina

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