Jun 22, 2010 17:35
bench press close grip 80kgs 5-5-5-5-5
really felt a pressure in the right shoulder that is not there in the left and not there when shoulder pressing.
am going to back off on these for 2 weeks i think and then try again, worked for my deadlifts after all
deadlift 80kgs 5-5-5-5-5
pull downs close-ish grip 80kgs 5-5-5-5-5 the pressure was there here too but i think this is because of the bench previous
did some side bends with 35kg dbell 5 each side twice with about 30 seconds rest
so i think i'll be doing something like:
workout A squats, shoulder press, deadlifts while light(sub 120-130kgs)
B shoulder press, deadlifts, pull downs (until i can do pull ups)
might do some kind of conditioning work at end of each session, not sure what yet exactly.
starting back has worked though, had to reduce the belt size again!