"I'm scared but I ain't shakin'. Baby, you can sleep while I dream..."

Oct 08, 2010 19:41

I'm cold. I'm so cold I'm considering unpacking my recently packed tank tops and use them as undershirt.

Hey, it could work: they come in an array of colours, and are either cotton, rayon, silk or a combination of these. I sorta don't want to bust out the wool or acrylic sweaters in mid-October, y'know?

Adult life made a call this morning, in the form of vehicle circulation tax: 157 €. I'm just going to put it out there and let you all reflect on that.


But. BUT! I have new classes! Which means I'm working an average of three hours every day! This is good! It definitely means more money, so I can pay off a couple of things I've got hanging, and start putting money away for my CELTA course next summer. I should post a fax-simile of the application form: it looks like a college one, I kid you not. It also costs like college, or the 1,900 € fee seems an awful lot like it .

To sum my current schedule up:


11:30 AM - 01:00 AM: D.R.T. Bellows Beginner 2 / Basic 1
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM: C.S.T. Consulting Basic 2


06:00 PM - 08:00 PM: C.S.T. Consulting Beginner 2


11:30 AM - 01:00 PM: D.R.T. Bellows
06:00 PM - 07:30 PM: Semi-individual Basic 1 Class


05:00 PM - 06:30 PM: Semi-individual Beginner 1 Class
07:30 PM - 09:00 PM: Standard Basic 1 Class


03:00 PM - 04:30 PM: Individual Basic 1 Class

Now, that may not seem like a lot of work, but trust me: I have to fit two types of studying, sports and house management. Also, C.S.T. Consulting and D.R.T. Bellows are both on the opposite side of Milan from me, while the Thursday Standard Basic 1 is in Binasco.

I do get refunded for fuel and tolls, I've actually demanded it ever since I got my first out of headquarters assignment in 2008, but it's still a huge chunk of my time that goes whenever I commute. Which is why I was thinking of staying out all day on Monday, since going back and forth between where I live and those two would be the opposite of practical. Commuting time and expenses would be cut by at least 30% if I found myself a place to study, brought a sandwich from home, and moved from Cologno Monzese to Senago in a timely fashion. I was thinking of experimenting, but I'm just going to print out a map and go with what I know how to do best: wing it.

I also must fit Oriana into this crazy-ass schedule, so I'll see when she's available for private, off the books lessons.

I like the idea of having a project, something I can work towards, instead of just living day by day like I've been doing for the past few years. Granted, that has helped enormously with my depression management. I'm ready for actual projects: the breaking down of major goals into tiny, bite sizes, manageable accomplishments that will bring me one meter closer to the finish lines.

And now, for something paranoid, supernatural, and creepily romantic in a stalkerish way if I were to indulge in this: I keep finding the boy's name all over the place. It seems that suddenly, out of nowhere, everybody's got a relative or a friend or someone they know called like him; or that industries are owned by his homonyms...or that every other town is named after a saint that, wait for it, bears his name.

Is this a sign? And a sign of what, exactly? "Miky, be strong and face this trial and stop thinking about the dude?" or "Miky, be strong, and give the dude a call?"

I'm opting for the first. I've got pride, dammit, and he...has proved himself unworthy of being fought for.

Bitchy? Me? Nah...

P.S. My iTunes has selected

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, and

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Do not judge me! I do love me some angsty schmoop that takes itself too seriously every once in a while, and 3 Doors Down delivers it just the way I like it. And I will heed no criticism regarding Bon Jovi, alright?

net, work, teaching, music, studying, working, sport, life

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