The itsy bitsy spider went up the water drain...

Jul 20, 2010 12:56

So, once in a while, I have to fend off some minor or major bouts of one of the plagues of Egypt.

Or variation thereof.

Like, this year? I can't leave a single crumb unswept after lunch/dinner/ravenousmidnighthungerfueledsnack that the ants come crawling in and try taking over my floors.


This year has also seen a return of the tiny, teeny, almost microscopically invisible fruit flies. Small, but annoying as all hell. And this generation turned out to be incredibly, incredibly dumb. I mean, what self-respecting fruit fly decides to colonize the outwards facing side of a window pane?

"Oh, we shall settle here, between the transparent but impenetrable surface and this other holey, but still impenetrable, other surface. For it shall be breezy and keep us cool during the long, hot summer evenings. But we shall not MOVE!"

Yeah. No.

defeating the invaders, life

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