It's my life, and it's now or never!

Jun 18, 2008 20:58

I ain't gonna live forever. I just wanna live while I'm alive. It's my life!

You know how sometimes people on your friend's list post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when are they working THERE? Since when are they dating HIM/HER? since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you *should* already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.

Please copy mine below, erase my answers putting yours in their place then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration! One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out.

1. First name: Michela

2. Age: 24

3. Location: Basiglio, Milan, Italy

4. Occupation: New English Teaching teacher.

5. Partner: No. None. Do NOT want. Single by choice and happy to be so at the moment.

6. Kids: None now, but I do want them in the future.

7. Brothers/Sisters: None.

8. Pets: None.

9.List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:

A. Teaching at NET. This job totally threw me out of my head, forcing me to leave the house and interact with people day in, day out.

B. Writing school: I'm seriously thinking of applying to one I've just found out exists in Turin. Wish me luck.

C. Writing: original fic and fanfic, I've got tons of words slowly shaping up into coherent storylines.

10. Parents?

A. Mother: I usually say she's awesome, and that she is. She was my friend when I needed her to be, and was  my mother even when I refused to acknowledge her authority. We've yelled at each other, screamed and ranted and raved our hatred and our displeasure, only to mend our relationship in the next minute. She's been having some trouble accepting that I am an adult with adult responsibilities, even if I sometimes still depend on her for economical and emotional support. The things that I remember, when I think about her, are tears after a nasty fight with my father, her failure to protect me when I needed it the most, her telling me that I'm always the most important person in her life, even if I don't believe her.

B. Father: he is insanely successful and a hard model to have. We have a rocky relationship, where we sometimes pretend everything's fine while it isn't, and pretend we don't know that the other knows. He can be maddening, hurtful, scathing and cutting. He is sometimes perceptive, preening, funny and loving. We used to be at each other throats all the time, and now I just tend to not goad him into a useless battle. After all, I don't need to. When I think about him, I'm reminded of his nervous breakdown, of all the wrong ways he has of worrying about me, and of the love he doesn't know how to show to the people who are important to him.

11. Who are some of your closest friends?

A. Fra: Francesca and I are complementary, partners in crime and each other's voice of reason. We give each other support and encouragement. We've screamed bloody murder at each other, she's told me I suck, I've told her she's an idiot, and we can't keep secrets from each other. We've tried. I think the most we've held out was a week, give or take.

B. Ari: Arianna is one of my oldest friends. She and I have a tacit agreement that we agree to disagree on everything.

C. Vale: Valeria is a new addition. I'm getting to know her now, both in and outside the work place. Don't be fooled by her big blue eyes and her rather unthreatening demeanor. She's pretty much the steel hand in the velvet glove, and she's very, very strongminded. Also, I don't even know how I did it, I wrestled a promise from her. Of the "after tonight I'll never smoke again." I might just have to check if she's keeping it.

D. Nico: Nicolò is like a torn in my side. Seriously. I care about him immensely, because after all, he's like me in a lot of ways: he tends to hang onto his past a bit, he carries grudges like he's the only one who's been slighted in the entire time the human race has been on Earth, and he just keeps making huge messes out of his love life. He used to be Francesca's boyfriend. Then they were carrying on a clandestine love affair behind his girlfriend's back. Now they're friends, but it's still hush hush. I met him before Fra and I had picked up the loose threads of our old friendship, and I was the only one they confided in for a long, long time.

E. Leigh: well, what can I say about

leighleighla? It's like we just want to make ourselves heard and, possibly, read. Of course, then we go about it differently. If Michela seethes and is way too slow to react, Leigh is more prone to voice whatever she's thinking.  We've been on each other's nerves, we've shared a brain, we've bounced ideas back and forth for writing projects and we've cowritten. We've agreed and disagreed and agreed to disagree and have shared meta and ideas and our personal lives.

F. Sandi: 
tigermaus is one of the first friends I've made on S-H. She was part of a foursome composed of

tigermaus and myself.  We were planning the Lit Conspiracy of World Domination. She's been going through a very difficult experience as of lately, and she is less online than she used to be. When she is, and when she comments on my lj, conversation goes back and forth between heavy and light, sad and happy, serious business and silliness of all kinds. I love her dearly, more than Dean Winchester loves his Impala.

lodessa: these four have been recent additions, too, found through friending memes, fandom communities and other friends' ljs. All in all, I'm pleased, even if I'm still getting to know them. There is meta, personal life discussion, fandom related craziness, writing and betaing.

H. Nicoletta: Nicoletta is my mirror image, someone who is so much like me, yet not really me, that I can sometimes predict how she will act and what she will say. We don't talk often, and we still have to meet, but it's going to happen and when it does...well...

I. Alice: latest new addition, very interesting to talk to. Funny and entertaining, she's promised to beta my application letter.

J. Debbie: Deborah is my uncle's girlfriend. We've practically adopted each other, mostly because she's much closer to my age than to anybody else's, and that includes my uncle. She rules, mostly because she's not afraid of telling my uncle to shove it, which is a feat in and of itself. And even if my uncle has been hurt by a failed marriage and a whore who used to be his wife, he loves her and it shows.

people, update on self, friends, meme, family

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