"Doctor Who?"
Now, second part of the two parter. Where everything comes to a head and we have phone!sex. *nods* In outer space, too!
Donna's mother is a very resourceful lady. She literally trumps everybody and rescues the Grandpa with a battleax!
The Doctor and Donna keep relationshipping all over the place. He gives Donna a choice "Donna, are you coming?" and she goes because, really, she hasn't a choice. He gives her a key, which we KNOW is a big gesture for him, and she accepts it without making a fuss. The Doctor is a little hurt and a little grateful and he sends her to the TARDIS while he goes to stop a war.
Martha isn't Martha isn't Martha, and the Doctor knows it. The TARDIS gets teleported onto the Sontaran spaceship. The Doctor is a master at pushing all their buttons and provokes them until they show him what they've got. His first thought isn't "Rassilon! My TARDIS!" but, "Rassilon! Donna! And I can use her!"
Rose reference, right now! Blink and you'll miss it! Whatever you do, don't blink! Ahem. Rose appears in the TARDIS monitor, when the Doctor simultaneously pisses the Sontarans off, makes symbolistic meta and contacts Donna. Multi tasking Doctor is my favorite.
Rattigan is just a spoiled brat with a penchant for idiocy. He is. There is nothing else there, and I don't like him, not even when he finds redemption at the end. The Sontarans, on the other hand, are very, very interesting. A clone race who's taken the militaristic point of view to extremes? Gotta love them. Great analogies with current societies and past societies and history and sociology and yay! Michela is one happy fan!
The Phone Company is evil...no, wrong show! That was Supernatural.
The Sontarans are war obsessed and kill everybody on their path. When Ross is hit, a collective moan is heard throughout fandom at the loss of viable slash.
We are galvanized, however, at the mention of the Brig, who is currently stuck in Peru. Hm. Why there, of all places?
The Doctor realizes that he can't stop UNIT from taking a militaristic stand, what with the soldiers and the atomic weapons, so he lets them at it and contacts his wi...companion. Donna. And here we have Donna/Doctor. In spades. That conversation is about Donna reclaiming her role as a companion, after having compared herself to Martha. It's about the Doctor reassuring her that she is important and necessary to him. It's about her doubting herself and him encouraging her and believing in her. Plus, it's extremely sexy. The Doctor practically growls into the phone every time she succeeds, consolidating
chloris67's opinion that he finds intelligent human behaviour attractive. As an added bonus, he doesn't call her a stupid ape, ever.
In the meantime, the Doctor is still more convinced that Evil!Martha is evil, stupid!UNIT is stupid and invincible!Sontarans are invincible. He dons a gas mask, references my favorite first season episodes EVER, and restrains himself from shooting the Valiant down with his sonic screwdriver.
The Sontarans have a HUGE death wish. It's even bigger than the Doctor's in s1 and s3. They like death. They say "Wonderful" when they die in battle. They also have one weakness, which is the airvent at the back of their neck. So, if I have pieced my monster of the week details together in the right way, this is the whole thing.
-the Sontarans feed on clonefeed
-to humans, clonefeed is poisonous
-our monster of the week looks like a cloned baked potato
-and they survive on GAS!
I love them. Good monsters.
Next, we get: dying!clone is dying. Idiot!Rattigan is still an idiot, heroic!Jack is still heroic (and unforgotten, thank Rassilon).
The Doctor saves Donna, then saves the planet's atmosphere (with a giant fireball, the likes of which I hadn't seen in a long time), then says goodbye to Donna. Martha too, as an afterthought. He tries negotiating with the Sontarans, and stalls as much as he can. He doesn't want to die, but he's got to save the world. It's his responsibility.
And then Rattigan comes to the rescue! Redemption. Too late and too little, but still appreciated. Especially when the spaceship goes BOOM! (have I mentioned how much I enjoy it when things go 'splodey?)
UNIT people kissing! FTW!
And while Martha immediately rushes over for a hug (thank you, you're ok, we won!), Donna hits the Doctor before grabbing onto him (you worried me, you can't make a call like that on your own, you're all right, we won). Which...do I really need to expand?
And when we think it's all over, the TARDIS goes insane and kidnaps Martha. Too bad she's changed and given the Doctor's coat back. She looked very cute in it.
Also, second time the Doctor has spoken Italian so far. *squee*
Next week, Doctor's Daughter. CAN'T WAIT!