Tra le tue mani scoppia il fuoco che mi brucerà. Ed io non voglio più salvarmi da questa verità...

Mar 28, 2008 21:36

... C'è una luce che m'invade, non posso più dormire. Con le tue pagine nascoste, lo vorrei gridare. Bello! Bello e impossibile. Con gli occhi neri e il tuo sapor mediorientale. Bello! Bello e incredibile. Con gli occhi neri e la tua bocca da baciare.

I've finally downloaded Gianna Nannini's discography.

Now, I've been listening to Bello e Impossibile on loop for the past three hours. I blame Gianna Nannini's voice, for it is addictive in all its raucous glory. Mostly, I grew up with this particular piece of music, it's practically embedded in Italian music history. *fangasms*

I went out with Fra this afternoon, which is always conducive to money spending. I bought a shirt. Well, a tank top. Pink! With a butterfly designed in sparkles.
It was silly and awesome and kickass. Everything, from the doggie in the lawyer's office to the ice cream we got at a little corner bar, to her saying that she wants to get married to Dave one day, to talking about opening a beer joint.

Miky: Let's do it!

Fra:What do we call it? Fra & Miky..

Miky: Fra & Miky... The flowers in the ghetto?

Fra: Miky! The flowers in the...what the fuck?

Miky: See?

I've only recently realized I must spend the weekend pounding business English and grammar into my head, for I start a new gig on Monday morning and I promised Federica, company courses supervisor, that I would go there prepared. I'm moderately nervous about this new course: it will be, after all, the first time I handle an out of headquarters job. I've accepted it, but only because it's two days a week and very early in the morning and it leaves me enough time to study.

Miky: So, 7Pixel...

Federica: You're going to love it! It's like stepping into a workspace in Sylicon Valley! Young people, computers, jeans and t-shirt is the dress code.

Miky: I was thinking more about the levels and the students...but it's all good.

As for Loredana, who probably would have fired me on Thursday morning, contented herself with telling me I should have texted her on Wednesday evening before leaving, and that she was angry. Then she forgave me. Well, she is Loredana. She has a pretty level head. In my defense, I have to say that I did wait until 8:30, and then I left because the one student who showed up for the Beg 1 class thought it useless to stay and go through with the program. I should have stayed, but I really thought no one would have showed up. Of course, when two more did show up at quarter to nine, I told the teacher who'd called me to send them home. I was home already. The conversation we had on the phone while I was trying not to kill all the other people who'd decided to travel on Thursday went like this:

Loredana: You had to go and make me angry right before Easter, didn't you?

Miky: That's why I called you. I didn't want you to go through Easter mad at me!

Yeah, I know. We're not exactly professional in our working relationship.


tigermaus. I'm glad everything in your life is working out. New kickass apartment with cool furniture and independence and time to heal your wounds. I only wish you did live closer to me, so I could see you and be there for you in person.

net, gianna nannini, working, friends, teaching, music

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