A long long time ago, I can still remember how that music used to...

Jan 01, 2008 21:15

 ...make me smile. And I knew, if I had my chance, that I could make those people dance, and maybe they'd be happy for a while.

My father bought me a new laptop. Very much the epitome of coolness. I'm currently transferring my data, and in the process weeding out what I don't need and don't want any longer. I've thrown away so many music files it's scary...
I also got some money, which I invested in a new Ipod, a much needed printer, some very sexy stockings, and some very sexy underwear. Oh, and new perfume. This one is a little boyish: CK Be. I felt like something less sweet and heady than my usual fare; intoxicating my students isn't something I'd like to accomplish. 
I can just hear my Director of Studies: "Miky, putting the students in perfume induced trance isn't the best way to prove you can teach."
I also received a new mauve sweatshirt, a new belt, two necklaces, and a pair of earrings.

I surprised myself when I finally opened the small paper bag my mother brought back from the farmacy when she came to visit for my birthday.  The mascara tube looked so invitingly sleek and shiny, and the khol pencil seemed very alluring as well. What can I say...I threw out all my old, unused make up kits, salvaged some foundation and powder, set my hands to work. It is true that when you learn something you really do not unlearn it. My skin reacted very well, and I don't know if I have to thank the zone diet, the hydrating concotions I use daily, the  oily not-soap I use instead of bathfoam, the four liters of water I drink every day or the hystamine suppressor.
All I know is that my face isn't itching, my eyes aren't swollen and watering, and my lips are not chapping.
I've always loved makeup. Now all I need is glitter. I'm a glitter freak.
Actually, I'm a shiny things freak. My mother bought me a transparent keychain studded with tiny crystals and left it under the Christmas tree because I kept repeating that "I'd like something shiny. Something that sparkles. Something...something like that."
 My mother can be awesome like that. It's a stupid gadget which probably cost less than five euros, but the fact that she thought to buy it for me made me smile like an idiot all the way to church. I'm going to put it to use very soon. And it is just so very pretty.
I'm off to sky for a few days. I still have to pack, but I'm half inclined to do it tomorrow morning. 
I'm writing, yes. I have a crazy slash Shikamaru/Naruto idea that just won't leave me alone. It's all Shikamaru's fault, by the way, I think his "How troublesome" line got to me. I believe he's in love with Naruto. Anime does that to you. 
Speaking of anime, I'm halfway inclined to marathon Gintama. The main character, Gintoki, is amazing, mostly because of his naturally silver permed hair.  And I need something to cure myself of the absolute angfest that is Nana, yet Naruto is just making me want to write some very disturbing slash including a very toppy Shikamaru. Yes, I know. He may very well use his jutsu to do bondage. I suck. I know. What I'd need would be Dragonball, actually, but I really don't feel like clogging up my new laptotp with all the material that is bound to come up on isohunt. Yet Dragonball is...well...Dragonball. With the super sayans, the Kame-hame-ha, and the alternative storylines. I kinda want it. 
I'm also going to finish writing that freaking Nana fic, because it is getting on my nerves. Shin and Reira aren't cooperating, Takumi isn't cooperating, and thank the deities I do not have to write any Nobu Hachi interactions, or I would completely succumb from the sheer amount of angst. Too much angst! Geez! I'm probably going to have Shin leave. I want to write some smut, but it isn't forthcoming...smut in Nana is very delicate, if not done right it completely messes with the whole thing.

Bah. To get off the anime trip for a while, I'll start downloading some TV shows when I come back from skiing.

skiing, shiny things, christmas gifts, awesome mother, packing, writing

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