Nov 05, 2008 14:54
Last night was a new chapter in American history. My friend Katie ran into the room, and I swept her up in my arms in pure glee. Now we have a president that (hopefully) transcends all the petty, corrupt bullshit of the last 8 years. A democratic majority in the senate and house means we won't have another Carter-era, and maybe- just maybe- it doesn't suck to be an American anymore. No more Canadian stickers on our luggage, no more apologizing for our government to the world's enlightened. Today, I feel proud to be an American. Proud for the first time since I was a kid, proud for the first time since the last false-flag attack on American soil started our idiot greed war.
Of course, he's proably the antichrist. BUT WHATEVS YO. I DO WUT I WANT.