Lisa--"Dad, its a badgar!" Homer--"A badgar? O, its probly Milhouse!"

Aug 19, 2003 23:38

So yeah, I know, school starts tomorrow, so I should be going to sleep, and blah blah blah....but the thing is, I can't, its sux. This always happens the night before school starts. I dont know if I am annoyed, worried, or excited, but I just can't sleep. So I've decided to update:

Yesterday was fun, I hung out with Jerry the whole day. First he came over and we watched a lil bit of Final Destination 2. Then we went bowling, drove around, went to 711 (but didn't get slurpees!!!), went back to my house to drop off some stuff and get money, went to Champps (AHHHHHH HOT CHICKEN!!!.......MMMMMMMM CHOCOLATE CAKE....), went to putt putt (where I almost passed out), and then went back to his house where we vegged out with doritos and cheetos and watched Nightmare On Elm Street. Sweet Movie.

So yeah, the crappies part of the year begins tomorrow, and Larry is picking me up at 6:45 so maybe i should try this sleep thing...

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