Apr 19, 2007 05:53
I Timothy 2
(I know there are a few of you that are reading this that are not part of Pipeline, so just skip down to the next paragraph if that's you)
I want to pause for a few seconds from our regularly scheduled blogotional time to thank the Pipeline students. The last couple of weeks, but especially last night, there's been an intense focus during the message time that has been so refreshing to experience. You guys challenge me every week to go deeper, to study harder, to bring my "A" game. Thanks. You have no idea how much I love you...
Now back, I just had to say that...
Okay, so yesterday, we had the "big talk". But it's not all about sex.
See we laid the foundation for that discussion by talking about our thought life and how we can keep our thoughts pure. As a guy, I know the struggles involved in that one.
We live in a culture dominated by immodesty. We like to draw attention to ourselves and there is very little that some people won't do to generate that interest. contrast that with I Timothy 2 where the Bible says we're to clothe ourselves with modesty, and it's apparent we've missed that thought completely.
The direct application of I Timothy 2:9 is more involved than what we normally think of when we consider modesty. The braided hair reference condemns the first century practice of flaunting wealth by braiding strands of gold in a woman's hair as a sign of opulence. Scripture is talking about not drawing attention to ourselves because of what we wear.
In the first century, the issue was showing off wealth. Today, it's showing off skin.
I know this one will be more directed at the girls. But until we see guys wearing some hoochie shorts (and let's hope that NEVER happens), the issue is going to be with girls clothing.
Girls, honestly, the guys need your help.
They struggle with their thought life. Then the way you dress adds to their problems. It becomes a stumbling block.
A couple of years ago, we did a guys Bible study on Every Young Man's Battle--Student Edition. During the study, it was amazing to hear the conversation that took place as students opened up about the struggles they faced.
I don't think those struggles will just go away.
But the more help we have, the easier the battle will be.
The Bible says we're to flee from youthful lusts. These lusts entangle us and won't let us go very easily. So while we have the opportunity, we should try to help each other out.
Girls, that means helpin a brother out. And I mean that. your spiritual brothers need your help. They need you to step up and dress purely. And you need it as well.
If the way you dress is what attracts a guy, then I can virtually guarantee ya that every other girl that walks by wearing the same outfits will also catch his eye.
You deserve more than that. As we develop meaningful relationships, we realize that it is God's desire for us to cultivate those relationships on a deeper level. And this is not a call to be unfashionable, to put away makeup and live unreasonably. It's a call to responsibility. Know that how you dress affects you and others around you. You can look good without compromising who you are. You can look
It's not easy, I know. "But all the stores today, that's all the clothes they make"...blah,blah,blah.
You're better than that. And I'm pretty sure if you came this far on the altered journey, you've discovered that.
So we'll leave it there.
One more "pure" blogotioanl to go.
But comment, I'm interested to see your thoughts on this one...