Deadlands Reloaded - Payments Due

Mar 12, 2014 22:27

This is the 21st session log of our Deadlands Reloaded campaign "The Great Northwest" (on February 28th)

The posse had a clear target now: Take out J.P. Dunlevy and his mining operation and free the captive workers. For that they returned to the mine as if nothing had happened, Tyler and Toni again took residence in Dunlevy's house and the others with the guards. Then at dinner time, when most regulators came together, they struck. Gus broke the two remaining slumber gas phials right among the hungry men, Hunter took out the guard in front of the storehouse and Matt tried to eliminate Buford Dean the foreman. Toni and Tyler took care of Dunlevy himself, took out his guard, captured him, set the main house on fire and rescued the maid trapped in the kitchen.

Down in the camp it first looked like things were going just as smoothly, with many regulators falling unconscious and Dean's gun malfunctioning (Adventure card played), But then the brute drew his two bowie knifes and began slaughtering his foes. Matt fell under his savage knife strokes, as did the hired gun Pete and the ogre Bu. Racing Cloud was shot down by one of the regulators. Finally Hunter managed to wound Buford Dean severely and then the freed slaves fell upon their tormentor and clubbed him to death. The other regulators had already given up at this point, cowed into surrender by the sight of their captive boss and Toni's fiery speech.

But victory came too late for Matt. The knife wounds had been to bad and he was dead. For a moment it looked mile the manitous he had been gambling with might have plans for his body, but then he gave a last gasp and found his rest. The old huckster was no more. [This was the first PC death of the campaign, and adequately tragic. We went through the Harrowed check, and despite drawing quite a few cards, no Joker came up.] Luckily all the NPC allies survived the fight.

The former slaves took control of the mining camp under the leadership of Mama Ayida, and as darkness fell the tales of their great victory were told and retold until the darkness around them looked far less threatening then before. [A successful tale-telling by Gus and Toni reduced the Fear Level.]

deadlands, roleplaying, campaign

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