Deadlands Reloaded - Agency Internal Affairs

Oct 03, 2013 13:50

This is the log of our 14th Deadlands Reloaded session (on July 24th, 2013).

Faced with the aftermath of Agent Black's attack on the steamboat, the posse embellished the truth just a little: Tyler told Boss Boyd that he was an Internal Affairs agent for the Agency, investigating Black's corruption. His death was deplorable only because he could not be brought to court anymore. Helped by Toni's convincing arguments, Boyd was thoroughly convinced of the story. In fact we took quite a liking to Tyler and invited him and his friends to dinner at the Boyd mansion for the next day. Matt used the confusion after the attack to "secure" a part of the prize money - $1000 ended up in his own pockets.

Agent McClintock, the junior agent stationed in Seattle took a little more convincing, but eventually submitted to Tyler's apparent authority. Together they inspected the Seattle station (a secret complex below the F.W.Morse Overland Freight office. Apart from Black's station log (in code) Tyler found an old acquaintance locked away in one of the cells: The harrowed Mayor Flanagan from Harvest Feast. Obviously Black had not gotten rid of the "body" and kept him alive.

Click on the image to download the pdf version of the map.

The posse spent another night at Lotus Blossom Wen's Dragon Palace Hotel and learned that she was going to confront the Portland Triad again. She would have to get Xu Lieh to submit or earn Kang's wrath, something she wanted to avoid at all costs. Tyler promised to help. Gus had a dream the same night in which he met Chris - Klickitat girl who was now training to become a shaman - in a ghostly tent. As it turned out, she was actually visiting him on a spirit journey and spoke dire warnings. Evil was stirring around Walla Walla and she feared the settlement would not survive the winter. She urged Gus to bring the others and meet with Racing Cloud and her in Walla Walla. The town was in the newspaper too, with a call for help by mayor Hart. Apparently the town was under a state of siege and supplies were failing fast.

The next day was the dinner invitation at Boyd's mansion and the posse got to meet his family: his quiet and subdued wife Eilzabeth and their daughter Emma Jane, his son Charles William being away on the east coast studying law. It quickly became clear that the domineering and self-righteous Boyd was trying to make a match between Tyler and his daughter Emma. Tyler played it cautiously and didn't refuse outright. The posse tried to get Boyd to invest into a rescue mission for Walla Walla, which he flatly turned down. But Gus and Toni managed to get a good connection to Emma and convinced her to arrange for some supplies to be paid for and collected at Boyd's offices in Portland - without her father's knowledge.

The plan came together thus: The posse would accompany Wen down to Portland and help her get even with Xu Lieh and his triad. In return she would put the triad's resources at their disposal to organize the mission to Walla Walla which would deliver Boyd's supplies and relief the siege.

battle map, deadlands, campaign

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