Deadlands Reloaded - Hungry Wolves

Mar 30, 2013 14:21

This is the log of our ninth Deadlands Reloaded session (on March 1st, 2013).

Accompanied by Walks Alone At Dawn the posse returned to the Klickitat village. First they had to convince the chief and his warriors that the situation was dire, but when Storm Eagle learned that a tribe of wolflings was about, he grudgingly allowed the shaman back. The posse immediately began preparations to defend the great longhouse by piling up barricades in front of the two entrances and erecting a platform on the roof to serve as a good place to shoot from.

As the daylight dwindled, more and more howling was heard from the forest around the Klickitat village, until when dusk settled into night, the wolflings erupted from the woods to attack. With flaming arrows the Klickitat ignited prepared stacks of kindling, illuminating the battle. The carnage began.

While Hunter, Toni and Tyler used the platform on the roof to thin the ranks of the wolflings with rifle and pistol fire, Gus and Matt defended one of the entrances. Gus helped and was helped by a Klickitat warrior woman named Racing Cloud, while Matt let his poker cards fly wild. The first wave of wolflings was defeated without too much trouble, but a second, larger one soon came on led by the pack's alpha male. A mighty shout by Tyler (Adventure card "Shakin' in their boots) made them stop in their tracks for a moment and gave the posse the opportunity to take some out before they came in close.

The alpha didn't attack the entrances, but jumped on the roof instead to rip the shooters' throats out. But some well-placed shots and a timely poker card from Matt took him out before he could kill anyone. The rest of the pack fled.

[I only used two waves of wolflings instead of the suggested three, adding some extras to the second group and including a boosted alpha male for more variety. I felt doing three identical waves one after another could have become a little boring.]

The Klickitat were grateful for the posse's assistance and allowed Gus to sanctify a little hut or shrine that he build himself in the following weeks, while the others recuperated from their wounds. Gus hoped that the shrine would prevent any food stored there from spoiling - and perhaps demonstrate the power of the Lord to the natives.

The posse spent Christmas at the Klickitat village and further discussed the Bigfoot problem with Walks Alone At Dawn. Chris would stay with the shaman to learn the way of the spirit world. The posse planned to return to Portland, travel to Walla Walla and from there search for the Sasquatch holy place. The Klickitat advised them to wait for Spring to travel the mountains and Racing Cloud promised to meet them in Walla Walla and lead them to Devil's Canyon.

The session ended with heart-felt farewells to the Klickitat, and a revelation from Chris: "He" was actually a "she". Christina's disguise as a boy had fooled the posse through all their time together. [After a prolonged series of failed Notice checks in the first three sessions, I had decided they were so thoroughly convinced, that no further checks were called for.]

[Click the battle map image above to download the full A1 version.]

battle map, deadlands, role-playing, campaign

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