Reviews - Digital Comics Edition

Oct 07, 2013 00:16

Uncanny Avengers HC vol. 01 - Post AvX, Captain America wants to heal the rift between humans and mutants. To that end, he gets Havoc to run the X-Men. Immediately after, Red Skull starts attacking, first the X-Men mansion and stealing Prof. X's body. He uses X's brain to start causing fear in everybody in NYC, getting them to start attacking humans and trying to turn this fear into a cleansing of the human race. The Avengers fight him off, Thor briefly getting turned, and hold a press conference afterwards. There, some crazy dude attacks and Rogue accidentally kills him, not helping the pro-mutant cause. I found it a well paced action story with good character beats and a nice use of the human/mutant conflict. Red Skull with Prof. X's brain is kinda ridiculous, but it works as a conflict that would bring both the Avengers and the X-Men together.

Legends of the Dark Knight 34-37 - All of Batman's "wonderful toys" cost a lot of money and Waynetech's worth is falling through the floor thanks to the global downturn. So, unable to do things like he's become accustomed to, Batman must learn to work like he used to at the start, without all the supporting tech. The main plot is a generic terrorist plot against Gotham by Ra's al Ghul, who also worked to fuck up Wayne's fortune. A nice getting back to basics story that worked really well. I liked it.

Legends of the Dark Knight 38-40 - A cute story about a young Bruce Wayne dragging Alfred around the world and learning the skills he'll use to fight crime. Here, he meets up with a young girl who's father is kinda Robin Hood and helps her escape the police. And falls in love. They eventually teach him how to disappear from a room, something he will use to aggravate Gordon to no end. Fun story.

Legends of the Dark Knight 41 - Batman and Catwoman fight/flirt during a robbery in a mansion. That's about all there is to say...

Legends of the Dark Knight 41-47 - I don't remember much about this story except not liking it enough to not want to look it up much. Something about a priest, a real estate deal, and Two-Face. Is Batman doing good work? I dunno, didn't like it.

Legends of the Dark Knight 48 - An "unlucky" guy gets Batman's attention and tells him his back story of how his bad luck lead him to crime, but it's all a setup for the Penguin. Batman sees through him and saves the day. There's a moral about how you shouldn't blame your "luck" on your lot in life. There's a cute scene at the end where Batman arranges for the guy to meet a girl he liked, but totally out of character for Bats.

Legends of the Dark Knight 49-50 - A kinda fun two parter where Harley Quinn psychoanalyzes Batman in an attempt to distract him so Joker can pull off a caper. I like the goofy/serious play between the two.

Legends of the Dark Knight 51 - Batman is suffering from pain and goes to get it fixed. The woman who takes care of him dredges up a memory of Bruce not being to save a kid as a child and the painful memory was manifesting physically. I kinda dig the young Bruce Wayne stories, but him forgetting about this "case" and it just randomly showing up physically is weird.

Legends of the Dark Knight 52 - Some guy blames Gotham, the actual city, for the death of his love (what?), so he uses the architecture to get even and Batman is all, "no, the city doesn't hate and I'm just trying to help it." Weird, weird metaphors. Eh.

comics, comic reviews, uncanny avengers, legends of the dark knight

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