Comic Reviews, speed round

Sep 11, 2013 14:14

Doing these fast and dirty...

Batman '66 3-9 - #3 was a good ending to the initial storyline. The rest of the issues are okay, but they did away with the "infinite comics" work, which is super disappointing.

Batwoman 22-23 - Some work getting ready to get Kate's sister and take down Batman and an issue where Kate takes fear toxin to feel what she caused her fiance to feel. Character development leading to the eventual showdown (that I might not read thanks to DC chasing the creative team away).

Cyber Force 5 - Some action, lots of talking, average 90's Image comic.

Infinity 1-2 - I'm finding parts of this entertaining, parts confusing. Reading the Avengers and New Avengers TPBs helped a bit, though. I think I will pick up those tie-in issues as they seem more important than I initially thought they would be.

Kick-Ass 3 2 - Kick-Ass is in some standard drama, but the end of this book as MF's mom going to kill him, then saving his life, and that was kinda intense.

Prophet 37-38 - I don't even know what's going on anymore other than it looks cool as hell.

Saga 13 - We get the story of how the crew came to the planet with the author of the book (fighting skeletons!) and a nice/weird dream of The Stalk by The Will. Glad to have Saga back.

Scarlet 7 - Scarlet uses the demonstration as a distraction to get to the mayor with a list of corrupt cops that she wants him to take down. It also ties in the dissatisfaction of the people with how the government uses soldiers to do its dirty deeds. Not a typical Bendis book, but still interesting, despite the very long delays.

comic reviews, infinity, kick-ass, comics, batman 66, scarlet, batwoman, cyber force, prophet, saga

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