Comic Reviews

Feb 28, 2011 00:36

Heroes for Hire #3 - While Misty Knight is running another Heroes for Hire mission, Paladin is spying on her friends hoping to find a clue to her disappearance. He eventually gets into a typical "it's a big misunderstanding" fight with Iron Fist, eventually recruiting him to help Misty. Nice parallel storytelling, here, especially since a lot of the time the stories cross over (Misty talking to Paladin while Paladin is out on his own mission).

Dream Logic #3 - I think I said the same thing about the last issue, but this felt a little light on actual art. There's a lot of quick sketches and a lot of process images. Not so much finished pieces. The photos at the end don't really add much for me. Still, the art is great and worth looking at.

Everything Dies #5 - This issue is a story about a man grappling with his atheism, coming to a conclusion that life is meaningless and we may as well kill ourselves. He finds another atheist and learns from her that it's worth living life in defiance of its meaninglessness. A little weird, this issue, in that it's a print-edition-only story following up on an internet-only story.

The Stand: No Man's Land #1 - Harold is grappling with his decision to double cross the town of Boulder in the face of people genuinely liking him, but gets pulled to the dark man's side by Nadine, who has decided to go to Vegas. More typical The Stand comics moving the story forward.

Order Of Tales TPB vol. 03 - The final volume of Order of Tales finally got published. I sat down and read all three volumes in a few days and it was nice being able to view the whole story at once. The third volume explains who "Rog" really is and follows Koark as he defeats "Rog". There's a nice symmetry to the books as a whole, with Rog II gaining power by using what he learned in books, then destroying all the books in the world to keep others from learning his weakness. Koark, on the other hand, uses the same knowledge to defeat "Rog" and eventually bring knowledge back to the people. The stories all play off each other well, with the events of the past and the original Rog mirroring, but kinda being opposite, of the defeat of Rog II at the hands of Koark and Bottle Woman.

ClanDestine - A Marvel book about a superpowered family (the father likes having sex with a genie) by Alan Davis. I really enjoyed this. Being immortal, the family tends to think long term and doesn't get involved in regular human battles (but they're trying to change). They all have different powers, but also weaknesses that come from those powers. There's also some nice sibling rivalry going on. The whole series is only 12 issues long, which is a bit too short for me. Davis was setting some interesting stories up, including the tale of the father killing one of his children and the rift that caused. Too bad this never got resolved.

And now for a Wolverine block.

Daken 5 - Daken's in some Indonesian country, helping put a stop to some slavery in return for a second chance at being a nice guy. There's a bit of action, mostly setup for an invasion next issue. It's not bad, but I still wish Daken used his emotion manipulation powers more, or at all. As it stands, he's a bit of a Wolverine clone.

Wolverine 1000 - This whole thing was pretty stupid. The only interesting story in here was the one about the girl who wished she was like Wolverine so she could beat up bullies, then has a nice long talk with Logan, learning that she should just stand up for who she is instead of wishing to be someone else. Then she beats up some bullies. Well, it had potential up until the end.

Wolverine 5.1 - Wolverine's girlfriend is throwing him a surprise birthday party and everyone is invited except Deadpool (who shows up anyway) and Spider-Man (who was just plain left out). Wolverine, on the other hand, goes on the hunt of a missing truck driver and finds him in a cabin with some cannibals. Of course, he misses the party, but makes up with the GF at the end. The Wolverine parts were nice hunting and fighting scenes. The birthday party parts were just plain funny. Good issue until the end when The Hand shows up to recruit the cannibals for some reason that I'm sure will play a role later.

Wolverine & Jubilee 2 - Wolverine drags Jubilee to the arctic circle to help with her vampirism. They kind fight the aggression out of her, then kinda start getting her life sorted. They get interrupted by the hotel owner who wants them to help stop some murders, which lets Jubilee get her superhero on, killing a warehouse full of vampires. Good issue, though the art had a couple of rough spots and I got confused by the dialog sometimes, not quite telling who was talking to who, sometimes feeling like sentences were missing.

Wolverine 6 - And the final Wolverine book, hopefully for a few weeks. Wolverine's back in his body, but fighting for control versus all the demons that set up shop in his head. The X-Men are there to stop him from killing more people, but arguing with the Ghost Riders and Hellstorm over the best way of doing so. It ends with Magneto and Namor getting ready to put him down permanently. Good, but I hope this gets wrapped up next issue so Wolverine can get some footing.

wolverine, comic reviews, daken, everything dies, dream logic, wolverine & jubilee, comics, order of tales, clandestine, heroes for hire, stand

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