(no subject)

Mar 06, 2008 22:19

Tuesday there were blizzard like conditions in the STL, work closed at 3pm due to the inclement weather, which never happens, so it was pretty bad outside, but I got to leave which was awesome (even though the boss didn't tell me the office had closed until 3:45, which was lame), buuuuut he did redeem himself by telling me of a back route to get home, and my dad via cell phone helped me navigate it, so it took me a half hour to get home, instead of the 3 or so it took many due to the fact that portions of the highways/interstates were closed.

I was then convinced by Charlie and Lisa to drive in to the city and go sledding with them.  While making my way into the city, I determined that the decision to go was probably a bad one, but by the time I made that determination turning around no longer made sense (nor was it really possible with the traffic jam/snow), so I kept it moving...slowly but surely.

A bunch of us went sledding, which I've not done in years, and it was tons o fun. We used trays from the Wash U cafeteria, which aside from the whole having to keep your legs lifted situation, worked really well.  We formed a train, using one two person sled, multiple tray "sleds", and some disc sleds.  I believe the most we got down the hill semi-successfully was 8.  We were solid at getting all the way down with three or four people, but larger numbers got us half way down at best.

There's a pond at the bottom of the hill, and as the night progressed, a fog began to rise that essentially enveloped the hill, which was amazingly beautiful....a little dangerous, cuz you really couldn't see more than ten feet in front of you, so we had to shout at folks walking back up the hill to get out of the way when we were coming down.....anyway it was kinda magical, like walking in a cloud or something...i don't know.

yesterday it was 50 and sunny, the weather is weird.

I started reading Get Happy, which is a Judy Garland biography, and even though i have issue with the style of writing, i for some reason cannot stop reading it.
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