Playing Catch-up.

Oct 09, 2011 16:02

So what have I been doing all this time? Well...

All sorts of things, really. I got a job - started in the summer, thankfully still going.

I've been reading some interesting books: The Beach Beneath the Street is a fabulous historical view of the Situationists and closely related thinkers/doers/dreamers, while Archigram: Architecture Without Architecture gives a thorough history of this distinctly English love child of Pop Art and Situationism. On a whole different trip, I've been reading The Werewolf in Lore and Legend by the ridiculously entertaining Montague Summers at nights. (It's not surprising that he and Aleister Crowley were mates - They've both written works that are execrably tedious unless you can grasp the humor in them - then they become something else altogether.)

I've been taking pictures - you can see for yourself here and here. I thought of opening an Etsy shop earlier this year, but after reading some damning articles about the site I have NO desire to deal with them. Right now I'm mulling over presentation ideas, trying to figure out the best way to frame my photos for viewing in a gallery environment.

Haven't had much time to watch TV, but I have been catching Person of Interest and FRINGE. I wouldn't say that FRINGE is like a shitty lover one keeps going back to à la Pavlov's Dog (I've always found that comparison deeply offensive, and insulting to the viewer's intelligence); it's more like a good friend who makes astoundingly bad choices, and you keep peeking at the trainwreck they make of their lives through your fingers, week after week.

Person of Interest is scary in a different way; I can't quite tell if it's just a propaganda exercise to get folks to accept the high level of surveillance we deal with everyday as normal*, or if Michael Emerson's character is going to get the comeuppance he so richly, truly deserves for creating that...thing. There's more than a touch of Victor Frankenstein in his character, and I hope THAT aspect of the story gets fleshed out (no pun intended!) as the season continues. The scripting is weak, and the chemistry between the two leads still hasn't gelled, but it's early days yet.

*It is NOT normal. It is WRONG, BAD and ALL SORTS OF FUCKED UP.
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